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History on Trial: Bringing Former Nazis to Court in the Twenty First Century

25 aprile 2012 No Comment


Multidisciplinary Research Workshop, Max Weber Programme

 History on Trial: Bringing Former Nazis to Court in the Twenty First Century

7 May 2012, Conference Room, Villa la Fonte 9.30-17.00


9.30 – Welcome

9.35 -11.00 – Panel I

 From Nuremberg to the mid-1960s

Chair – Jenny Simon

Devin Pendas (BostonCollege) – ‘Nuremberg,Ulm,Frankfurt: The Development of Nazi Trials

in PostwarGermany, 1945-1965’

Discussant – Alexandre Skander Galand

11.00 – 11.30: COFFEE BREAK

11.30 – 13.00 – Panel II

Development of the Trials into the 1990s – France: A Case Study of One Nation

Chair – Isabelle Guinaudeau

Richard Golsan (TexasA&M) – ‘Memories Corruptions: Anachronism, the Law in History in

France’s Trials for Crimes against Humanity’

Discussant – Daniel Lee

13.00 – 14 .00: LUNCH

14.00 – 15.30 – Panel III

‘Delayed Justice’: Nuremberg Legacy in Criminal and Civil Law

Chair – Cornelius Wiesener

Leora Bilsky (TelAvivUniversity) – ‘FromNurembergto Transnational Holocaust Litigation: The

Perplexities of Judging the Business Corporation’

Discussant – Marina Aksenova

15.30-15.45: BREAK

15.45 – 17.00 – Panel IV

Final Remarks

Chair – Sheila Neder Cerezetti

Giorgio Sacerdoti (Università Bocconi) – Closing Comments

Open Forum


Organisers: Marina Aksenova & Daniel Lee

Contact: Daniel Lee


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