Home » Ricerche recenti sulla prima guerra mondiale: Italia, Germania, Austria, Polonia

Ricerche recenti sulla prima guerra mondiale: Italia, Germania, Austria, Polonia

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Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom

Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma


Ricerche recenti sulla prima guerra

mondiale: Italia, Germania, Austria, Polonia

International Workshop

Rome, 4–5 December 2014



Thursday, 4 December

9.15 Martin Baumeister | DHI Roma

Piotr Salwa | Accademia Polacca di Roma



9.30 Oliver Janz | Berlin



I – War, Army, Violence


10.00 Paolo Pozzato | Bassano del Grappa

Tactical evolution ofthe Italian Army in the First World War


Oswald Überegger | Bozen

Todeszone Front:Über das Verhältnis von Raum,

Situation undGewalt am Beispiel der k.u.k. Armee im



11.00 Break


11.30 Nicola Labanca | Siena





II – Economy, Society, Occupying Forces


12.15 Christian Westerhoff | Stuttgart

Neue Formen der Besatzung und Rekrutierung?

Deutsche Arbeitskräftepolitik in den 1917/18 besetzten

Territorien des Russischen Reiches


Fabio Degli Esposti | Modena, Reggio Emilia

Economia di guerra e finanza di guerra: l’Italia liberale

dalla guerra breve alla guerra lunga


13.15 Break


14.30 Jonathan Gumz | Birmingham

A norm falling: occupation in Eastern Europe

during the First World War


15.00 Lutz Klinkhammer | Roma





16.00 Break


16.30 Oliver Janz | Berlin

Presentation “1914–1918-online.

International Encyclopedia of the First World War”


18.00 Public Keynote Lecture

Alan Kramer | Dublin

The First World War and the history

of concentration camps in the 20th century


Friday, 5 December

III – Consequences of the War


9.00 Gundula Gahlen | Berlin

Der psychiatrische Umgang mit traumatisierten

Offizieren in Deutschland während des Ersten



Martina Salvante | Firenze

Medical care and rehabilitation

for disabled servicemen in WWI Italy


Maciej Górny | Warszawa

War psychiatry in the east, 1914–1918


10.30 Marco Mondini | Trento





11.15 Break


IV – Remembrance of the War

12.00 Werner Suppanz | Graz

Die Figur des Helden. Heroismus und seine

Negation in der österreichischen Erinnerung an

den Ersten Weltkrieg


Marcin Jarząbek | Krakóv

Collective memory of Polish First World War

veterans: Polish soldier and soldier-Pole


13.00 Break


14.00 Robert Traba | Berlin





14.45 Martin Baumeister| Roma

Final comment

Final discussion




Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom

Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma

Via Aurelia Antica, 391

I-00165 Roma



In cooperation with

Accademia Polacca delle Scienze di Roma

Centro Interuniversitario di Studi e Ricerche Storico-Militari



Monika Kruse


T: 06 66049226